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All about the Amethyst Gemstone Amethyst is known to be a purple variety of the mineral quartz and is often used to make beautiful amethyst jewellery including necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings. The name amethyst comes from the Ancient Greek where it meant “not intoxicated”. This stemmed from the belief that the stone would protect the ..
On 01/02/2019
WHAT IS SCAPOLITE? Scapolite is fairly unknown to jewellery makers, despite it having good design potential. It can be used as a transparent faceted stone or as a transulcent cabochon and is becoming more widely available. SCAPOLITE DERIVED FROM GREEK FOR "ROD" OR "STONE" The name scapolite derives from the Greek words for "stone" and "rod" which in si..
On 24/08/2018
The story of Ellis Kauppi and the acclaimed Kuppittan Kulta Jewellery firm in Finland.
On 03/05/2018
WHAT IS PERIDOT? Peridot only comes in greens, from pale yellow green, through intense bottle green to vibrant apple green. The best material comes from Pakistan near to the Afghan border. The large fine deposit of peridot found there have a beautiful deep colour and sell for high prices. Peridot is termed an idiochromatic gemstone. This means that the colour comes f..
On 02/05/2018
WHAT IS TOURMALINE? Tourmaline was first introduced to the Western world when the Dutch beganto import tourmalines from Sri Lanka.It appeals to jewellery designers due to it's versatility and different colours which include pastels, intense neons,and unique bi - and tri-colours.The demand for the most sought after coloursmeans that the price for these colours has almost ..
On 22/03/2018
TYPES OF TOURMALINE INDICOLITE - Indicolite covers all shades of blue tourmaline from blue- green turquoise colours to the strong blue of a sapphire. A lot of blue tourmaline is dark and inky. This is not popular with buyers so as a result much of blue tourmaine is heated to lighten it. RUBELITE - Rubelite is one of the most valuable and desired in the toumaline family. Th..
TYPES OF CHALCEDONY BLUE CHALCEDONY - This is a very attractive stone with different hues ranging from lilac to periwinkle blue to lavender. The great increase in the popularity of blue chalcedony over recent years has pushed its price up and good quality strong blue material can be moderately expensive. CARNELIAN - Carnelian has been a popular stone for man..
TYPES OF BERYL The beryl species has a great mix of gemstones which are all viewed as precious gems. They include the following: EMERALD - The colour of emerald varies according to its source and location in the world.The most prized colour is a strong slightly blueish - green.Colombian emeralds are pure green with a slight hint of blue.They are dichroic which mea..
About Beryl Gemstones One of the most glamorous gems in the beryl species is emerald. In addition to emerald the species also includes aquamarine, morganite and helidor.They are all precious gems and are very popular with jewellery designers.The main feature that determines value of these gems is the intensity of the colour Sources of Beryl Emerald - Best sources are ..
On 20/03/2018
What is Labradorite? Labradorite is part of the feldspar mineral group. The feldspargroup has two different varieties,the orthoclase (alkali) feldspars,which include amazonite,orthoclase and moonstone, and the plagioclase feldspars. The plagioclase feldspars include labradorite and aventurine feldspar. Labradorite is a colourful and intere..
On 19/03/2018